Strive each day to become a better person

One of the ongoing assignments in a journalism class of mine is to write a blog with two posts a week, on a single topic. Sounds easy, but it is not as easy to do on top of many other obligations.
A classmate and I were discussing our distaste towards our blogs as the end of school nears and other things seem more important. She said to me, “I don’t even read blogs.”

As any working or studying individual, I know how busy life can get and how easy it is to get overwhelmed. I currently am a full-time student, working part-time, looking for a summer internship, setting up housing for next year and a way to pay for my study abroad trip this summer, while making myself stand out to employers in a year when I will find myself as a college graduate. It is a lot. But isn’t it better to work hard now, and be happy with your situation in a few years, than just meander through?

It is important to strive each day to become a better person, student and potential employee in my mind. It is necessary to stay up late reading the news and subscribing to blogs, as a journalism student. It is important to experience the world as a study abroad student, regardless of the money right now, as an aspiring travel writer.

It is important to look around at others and empathize with their situation, as we are all struggling and tried at times, but it is also important to keep in mind the reason we all experience this mutual feeling: To get to a happier and more successful state in life. We can do it!

Here are some blogs that I like or have liked in the past. Most of them I knew the people writing them and was introduced that way, but there are so many interesting blogs out there.


