Countdown to Summer

Summer is beginning for many college students, and it won’t be long before I taste my bit of freedom, as well. What to do during my three months off? Lots!

My new year resolution was to find a journalistic internship. I am so excited for my editorial internship at Indianapolis Monthly this summer!  I interviewed with three different magazines and applied to countless others, but was so happy to accept Indianapolis Monthly’s offer!

While interning, I am going to try writing a separate blog just to record my experiences and all I know I’ll learn while at the magazine. Tune in, here!

I am also using this summer as the start of my mid-year resolutions. I am excited to make the most out of my internship, but I am also excited to use my summer to improve myself in preparation for the start of my senior year in college. This time next year, I’ll be graduating college…scary!

Mid-year Resolutions

  • Make connections – with Indianapolis Monthly, Emmis Communications, other magazines, television stations, newspapers, alumni from my college, random people on the street. Anyone and everyone could be a vital source for help, advice or a job in the next year!
  • Read a book a month. This is a result of my nonfiction English class this semester. It just so happens that we finished our four book right as the month of April ended, so I now feel obligated to keep up the book-a-month roll that I am on. It is amazing the interest your mind produces when reading unexpected books.
  • Write everyday. This is also a result of my English class. It doesn’t matter what you write, I just think it is important to write something, everyday. A blog post, an article for the magazine, a journal entry, a postcard to a friend – anything!
  • Create and stick-to a realistic budget that can be easily transitioned into my life after graduation when I get my first “real world” or “big girl” job a year from now.